Why We Write

A Writer’s Manifesto written by Allison Creagh, but it’s really for all of us.

God created language as a gift for us to communicate to one another. He created us to speak and write language. Writing at any level is a gift because it helps us organize and process our words more easily than when they are just jumbled in our minds, and we can practice and prepare what we want to say before we speak.

The ability to write is a gift. And if you can write any words at all, you have the gift of writing. I believe this because I never loved to write when I was in school. No one ever told me growing up that I had a special skill or affirmed me in my writing. I wrote because I had to and I didn’t enjoy it because it was forced. There is no creativity or enjoyment in being forced to do anything.

The more I grew in knowledge, experiences, and understanding, I found my desire to write my thoughts down and then to share publicly. I had found a love in writing. I found something that is freeing and exciting because I have the opportunity to share my thoughts with others, thoughts that I believe are worth sharing.

I am a writer because I love writing. I love to create my thoughts, whether it’s lessons learned or an inspirational experience, in words so that others can join me.

I am an extrovert writer, and though I do write in private that stays between God and me, I find the most excitement and joy in writing that is shared with others. The more authentic I am in sharing my thoughts, the more I realize I am not alone, even when I feel like I’ve had the most bizarre thoughts. There’s nothing new under the sun, and no one is alone in their struggles.

That’s why we were created for community, to share what’s on our minds, and it’s the most thrilling for me to share those thoughts in written (or typed) words. I can write and rewrite before I share with others. Writing also helps me process my thoughts before I share whether in writing or speaking.

Words are powerful, and when we write our words down  to share, they become even more lasting. I want to use my words to connect with others, to relate and let others know that they are not alone, and to share hope or encouragement that hopefully inspires others as well.
